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At Knit Magic, our dream is not only for the world to knit, but to see  a world of knitters whose technique will never harm them. Knit Magic now offers knitting assessment sessions to help knitters of all levels ensure that their technique is sound.

Repetitive strain injury and chronic pain is all too common in the world of knitting and since these issues can take years to manifest, it\’s a great idea to get assessed so that you can prevent them from ever happening.  And if your current knitting practice is already causing you pain, we can help re-train your muscles and begin a new safe practice.

If your technique is already sound, we can help you make it even better.  As experts in the field of knitting posture, we will show you simple and effective ways to deepen your relaxation, improve your needle~flow and take your skills to the next level.

Knitting assessments can be done in person at our Toronto office, or via video assessment and/or skype for out of town clients.

To find out more, or to set up a knitting assessment, please CONTACT US.

If you are teacher looking to learn how to pass on healthy postures and muscle memory to your students please visit our TEACHER TRAINING page.